Back in July I asked myself the question “Why are we still in business after 11 years?”. A small specialist company in a big competitive industry. We’ve been through 3 downturns now and we continue to develop longstanding relationships with some of the most innovative operators in the business. Clearly we are doing something right but what is it?
The answer came thanks to a comment from on of our customers; we are helping people to get to the point of taking the right action faster.
But everyone says they are doing that though so how can we differentiate ourselves?
I looked at how we are doing it and there was no one simple answer. The reality was in lots of different ways. The most important part is having the right mindset and making sure we keep focussed on the outcomes of projects, and over the years we have built up a lot of functionality in our software that has helped us achieve those outcomes.
So we have created DecisionBridge Technology as a collective name for all the features in our products that help you take the next steps and get to the action.
Dashboards are nice, charts are nice, but what next? What do you need to do after you’ve looked at a dashboard? Interrogate the information further? Raise a request? Record an issue? Create a report? Login to another system?
DecisionBridge technology lets you take the next step; eliminate the custom spreadsheets and the daily emails; it lets you make an interactive dashboard that takes you to the next step in the process; it lets you automate the creation and distribution of regular reports; it lets you find information from other systems and then, in 1-click, create new page and collaborate with others.
Lets take the example of the members of an operations team in an industrial asset. Every day they are part of regular work processes as part of normal operation plus they have to respond to events on the facility. They are responsible for responding to HSE actions, raising or reviewing work orders, requesting quotes and issuing contracts. This information is in 3 different systems and needs the user to log in to see the status.
How can they easily understand if there are any actions on them and the status of workprocesses they responsible for.
A dashboard is a great way to start the process but when you can see the actions you need to take, wouldn’t it be great if you could take the next step and click on the dashboard to go straight to the right place in the other system and carry on working?
DecisionBridge Technology lets you do just that; you can make views of live information in other systems and configure “on click” actions to take you to the next step.
To find out how decision bridge technology can help you, please get in contact, we would love to hear from you!